Joanna Vander Vlugt, Author & Illustrator
SAM Magazine
E161 - Charlotte Morganti, The End Game

E161 - Charlotte Morganti, The End Game

If you check out author Charlotte Morganti’s website, you’ll see that she, “like the protagonist in one of her novels,” is a recovering lawyer. In addition to her law degree, she holds an MFA in creative writing. She’s an active member of the Canada West chapter of Sisters in Crime, a collegial group of writers of mostly crime fiction, and Crime Writers of Canada. Charlotte writes fiction (mysteries, both dark and light), and the personal essay or review. Her short stories have been published in magazines and anthologies. A true writer, Charlotte is fascinated by the many absurdities of life. She’s addicted to chocolate and caramel, crime fiction and mysteries, sunshine, and white sand, to name a few. She can be found singing along with Willie Nelson, Ian Tyson, ZZ Top, Queen, and Bob Dylan.

Today we discuss her debut thriller novel, The End Game, and yes, we do talk about "the voices "in our head." Thank you Charlotte.

Joanna Vander Vlugt, Author & Illustrator
SAM Magazine
Joanna Vander Vlugt is an author and illustrator. She has completed book three in her Jade & Sage thriller series. Joanna is also the creative director behind SAM Magazine. When Joanna is not writing, she enjoys illustrating motorcycles and scooters.