Joanna Vander Vlugt, Author & Illustrator
SAM Magazine
E172 - Ardelle Holden - Killing Imaginary Friends

E172 - Ardelle Holden - Killing Imaginary Friends

Ardelle Holden is the author of The Samantha Bowers Mysteries. Her latest novel is an Oliver Frampton Mystery and is being released on Tuesday, January 30, 2024. If you like suspenseful, emotional, coming-of-age angst, you’ll love Ardelle Holden’s gripping story of Olly’s imaginary friends who torment and frustrate his life until, at twenty, Oliver discovers what really happened when he was eight.

Vancouver Island is Ardelle's home. She enjoys the glorious sunsets over Quennell Lake and Mount Benson. It’s a perfect spot for writing. Her plastic plants and polyester pets have allowed Ardelle and her husband, Pat, to winter in Mexico since 2006. The views of Mount Garcia over Lake Chapala provide another quiet scene conducive to writing as well as other artistic pursuits.

Ardelle's website is

I had a fabulous time reading the first chapter in Killing Imaginary Friends, and I'm looking forward to receiving the book.

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Joanna Vander Vlugt, Author & Illustrator
SAM Magazine
Joanna Vander Vlugt is an author and illustrator. She has completed book three in her Jade & Sage thriller series. Joanna is also the creative director behind SAM Magazine. When Joanna is not writing, she enjoys illustrating motorcycles and scooters.