Joanna Vander Vlugt, Author & Illustrator
SAM Magazine
E175 - Donalee Moulton - Moist

E175 - Donalee Moulton - Moist

Donalee Moulton's first mystery book Hung out to Die was published in 2023. Her historical mystery, Conflagration, will be published in 2024. 

Donalee's short story Swan Song appeared in Cold Canadian Crime and Black Cat Weekly. It will appear in the Mystery Most International anthology in 2024. Her second short story was published this spring in Black Cat Weekly. Her short story “Moist” originally appeared in After Dinner Conversation.   

Donalee is also the author of The Thong Principle: Saying What You Mean and Meaning What You Say, and co-authored Celebrity Court Cases: Trials of the Rich and Famous

She is an award-winning freelance journalist, and she has written articles for Chatelaine, Lawyer’s Daily, the National Post, and Canadian Business. She lives in Halifax happily surrounded by family, friends, pets, and words of all shapes, sizes, and syllables.

Donalee Moulton interview

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Joanna Vander Vlugt, Author & Illustrator
SAM Magazine
Joanna Vander Vlugt is an author and illustrator. She has completed book three in her Jade & Sage thriller series. Joanna is also the creative director behind SAM Magazine. When Joanna is not writing, she enjoys illustrating motorcycles and scooters.