Joanna Vander Vlugt, Author & Illustrator
SAM Magazine
E158 - Kim Herdman Shapiro, The Raven’s Cry

E158 - Kim Herdman Shapiro, The Raven’s Cry

Kim Herdman Shapiro with me and we’re going to talk about the first novel in her Wynter Island cozy mystery series, The Raven’s Cry.

Kim Herdman Shapiro worked as a journalist in Canada for many years, with experience in both print and broadcast journalism. Her book, Gelato with the Pope, highlights her time as a syndicated travel columnist in the Nineties. In addition to her travel column, she has written feature articles for numerous publications, edited a monthly children’s publication in British Columbia, and had her poetry published in Do Whales Jump at Night?: A Canadian Anthology of Children’s Poetry.

She won a Microsoft Network award for best website for Footloose, one of the first digital e-zines on the internet. For the past eight years she has been working on her video project, What the Hell is a Toque? which chronicles her travels with her sons from Newfoundland to Vancouver Island and north to the Canadian Arctic. Kim is also a board member of Sisters in Crime New England. She lives in New Hampshire with her husband, two sons, and three dogs.

Joanna Vander Vlugt, Author & Illustrator
SAM Magazine
Joanna Vander Vlugt is an author and illustrator. She has completed book three in her Jade & Sage thriller series. Joanna is also the creative director behind SAM Magazine. When Joanna is not writing, she enjoys illustrating motorcycles and scooters.