Joanna Vander Vlugt, Author & Illustrator
SAM Magazine
E130 - Debra Purdy Kong, A Gold Satin Murder

E130 - Debra Purdy Kong, A Gold Satin Murder

Debra Purdy Kong was a criminology student and spent many hours writing about criminal behaviour for term papers. When she received her diploma from Douglas College, she realized that she’d rather write crime fiction than work for the Criminal Justice System, a decision she’s never regretted. While learning the craft of writing through courses, conferences, workshops, books, and critique groups, she worked as a secretary for accountants, academics, lawyers, and others. When she left full time employment to raise her children, she used pockets of free time to develop short fiction while she kept working on mystery novels. When her children grew older, she ventured into security work. In today's podcast we talk about 2023 being a year of transition and how transition is occurring in her personal life as well as in her writing life. We also talked about Debra's security work and how she's worked it into her Casey Holland mystery series, in particular, her latest novella, A Gold Satin Murder.

Debra Purdy Kong

Joanna Vander Vlugt, Author & Illustrator
SAM Magazine
Joanna Vander Vlugt is an author and illustrator. She has completed book three in her Jade & Sage thriller series. Joanna is also the creative director behind SAM Magazine. When Joanna is not writing, she enjoys illustrating motorcycles and scooters.